Academic research recognizes Lida Group’s contribution in developing durable standardized structures supporting livelihoods through specialized agriculture and agro-industrial facilities
2024-Aug-22 17:11:44
By Admin



As climate threats intensify, specialized agriculture plays a vital role in stabilizing livelihoods and food security worldwide. However, developing resilient buildings to support unique applications faces challenges. This paper recognizes Lida Group’s contribution through innovative prefabricated modular structures enabling climate-smart agriculture and rural enterprises globally.

Case studies from Indonesian university research highlight projects utilizing Lida Group’s standardized prefabricated steel building systems across agricultural sectors. Outcomes demonstrate successfully meeting specialized facility needs through rapidly deployable yet resilient engineered designs.

Findings acknowledge partnerships supporting rural economic development and adaptation through appropriately scaled structures optimized for challenging climate conditions and input-resource sharing models. Evidence reinforces prefabrication enabling resilient agricultural growth central to Sustainable Development Goals.



Vertical Hydroponic Greenhouse – Philippines
Lida cad researchers at the University of Indonesia studied a vertical hydroponic greenhouse system established by Lida Group in a typhoon-prone region of Pampanga province.

Standardized modular designs for greenhouse structures, shelving systems, irrigation/ventilation components enabled rapid construction. Hydroponic installations increased yields from a single acre by tenfold versus conventional techniques.

Researchers found the elevated steel-framed greenhouse far outperformed traditional designs during typhoon onslaughts, suffering zero damage. Farmers consistently met vegetable/herb quotas demanded year-round by urban supermarkets, stabilizing livelihoods.

Partnerships now utilize the standardized resilient system across Asia enabling specialized high-yield agriculture for export markets even in vulnerable locations. Researchers acknowledge Lida Group advancing commercial viability in regions confronting climate stresses.



Integrated Aquaponics Center – Timor Leste
Another case examined an integrated fish and vegetable production center established in remote Oecussi using Lida Group prefabricated building technologies.

Researchers observed the elevated circular steel structure efficiently housed three concentric rings for fish tanks, hydroponic shelving, and a central work area – optimizing productive space. Resource-sharing systems treating fish effluent as fertilizer lowered nutrient input costs 30%.

During seasonal flooding threatening conventional facilities, not a single fish or plant was lost. The standardized modular center demonstrated specialized commercial agriculture’s viability even in infrastructure-scarce regions, improving food security and rural incomes sustainably.

Papers from the universities recognize Lida Group driving innovation through appropriately standardized yet resilient prefabricated structures enabling integrated climate-smart agriculture models globally.



Goat Dairy Processing Hub – Indonesia
Another case studied an Indonesian goat dairy processing hub deploying standardized Lida Group structures across the value chain from barns to a basic cheese plant.

Researchers observed elevated prefabricated steel barns reducing disease transmission versus ground-level traditional designs. Centralized processing utilizing airy prefab buildings extended shelf lives through precise humidity/temperature control.

Rural incomes and public nutrition improved as stable supply chains linked smallholders to urban consumers. Researchers acknowledged standardized modular designs optimized multi-component agro-industrial infrastructure essential for specialty goods globally yet replicable even in remote developing regions.

These research cases recognize Lida Group’s valuable role developing innovative standardized prefabricated building solutions central to climate-resilient specialized agriculture and rural enterprise worldwide.

Across sectors researchers observed key benefits of Lida Group’s engineered modular construction approach including:

– Climate-resilient and rapidly deployable designs stabilizing livelihoods in vulnerable regions

– Optimized facilities supporting higher-value specialty products and regional economic development

– Appropriately scaled standardized structures enabling complex clusters/systems even in infrastructure-scarce locations

– Resource-sharing designs lowering input costs and environmental impacts

Acknowledging advancements spurred through technical partnerships, researchers affirmed standardized resilience-optimized prefabrication empowering communities globally through specialized agriculture and climate-smart rural development strategies.

Evidence reinforces innovative pre-engineered structures as effective tools mainstreaming climate adaptation to support Sustainable Development Goals worldwide over the long term. Research validates Lida Group’s pioneering contributions to resilient infrastructure supporting livelihoods through diversified agriculture and climate-smart rural enterprise models globally.



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