Academics commend adaptability and quick installation of shelters assembled from Lida Group’s panelized building system after disasters.
2024-Aug-26 15:15:31
By Admin



As natural disasters intensify, rapid yet adaptable shelter solutions are paramount. This paper features academics commending implementations of Lida Group‘s panelized building system providing shelters shortly after extreme events through customized assemblies from prefabricated wall panels.

Case studies from the Indonesia and Philippines highlight deployments stabilizing vulnerable groups comprising the elderly, disabled and female-headed households. Outcomes underscore thoughtful engineering enabling dignified resilience through designs tailored swiftly meeting communities’ nuanced post-disaster needs.

Findings acknowledge continued progress merits support to mainstream dignified solutions strengthening global crisis response capacities through considerate temporary housing engineered inclusively for all.



Elderly Housing – Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

After an earthquake and tsunami, over 70% of the elderly population lost homes requiring accessible shelter urgently. Academics praised Lida Group’s partnerships with local NGOs tailoring 20m2 structures from wall panels within accessible single-story configurations:

“Standardized designs assembled rapidly met mobility needs through wide doors and corridors. Open floorplans accommodated live-in caregivers.”

Sturdy elevated units safeguarded 100 elderly citizens’ health amid monsoonal flooding as rebuilding commenced. Customized engineering streamlined dignified housing catered to vulnerabilitynuances, restoring normalcy.

Academics recognize innovative solutions upholding dignity amid crises through attentiveness empowering community self-determination uniquely for those most at-risk.



Women’s Refuges – Surigao del Norte, Philippines

Following Typhoon Vongfong, over 90% of shelters hosting women fleeing abuse were destroyed. Academics praised partnerships deploying 30m2 structures within six weeks:

“Wall panel kits assembled into single rooms or dormitories provided sanctuary. Integrated privacy screens and security emphasized safety considerations.”

Standardized semi-permanent facilities now house 250 women and children through vocational programs supporting independent livelihoods as rebuilding progresses. Academics commend customized solutions prioritizing protection needs through carefully considered engineering inclusively for all needing support.




Examining diverse implementations, academics commended partnerships adapting Lida Group’s panelized construction approach enabling rapid yet customized shelter deployment universally addressing communities’ nuanced needs arising from crises’ diverse impacts.

Key recognized attributes included:

– Standardized designs optimized through customizable panel configurations

– Swift assembly streamlining dignified response timelines urgently

– Accessible, elevated structures safeguarding vulnerable health needs

– Configurations respecting privacy and protection priorities inclusively

Evidence affirms dignified shelter innovations merit ongoing refinement collaboratively mainstreaming consideration, empowerment and self-determination for all needing humanitarian support facing increasing worldwide threats.



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