Article examines life cycle costs and returns on investment of Lida Group’s pre-engineered steel structural system delivering high quality shelters integrated with barns and storage to augment traditional farm operations.
2024-Jun-22 09:09:44
By Admin


As rural exodus depletes demographics in remote agricultural zones globally, cost-optimized innovations could revitalize profitability and intergenerational viability. Researchers scrutinized Lida Group’s prefabricated steel-framed farm complexes providing resilient housing and facilities boosting integrated operations.

Two pilot clusters near Ürümqi constructed under 15 weeks from mass-customizable standardized structural/architectural components arrived pre-fitted onsite. Wall/roof cassette modules swiftly assembled necessitated minimal foundations reinforcing permafrost soils.

Projected 50-year lifespans leverage durable substrate protections, while modular expandability accommodates varying household/herd sizes. Integrated living, storage and livestock facilities synergize farm management operations ergonomically.



Energy/water management assessments found facilities 40% more efficient than traditional agriculture-housing divisions through co-generation, conservation strategies and renewable self-generation supplementing the provincial microgrid inconsistently serving remote hamlets.

Cost-benefit analyses factor initial outlays against value-adds including maintenance/utility cost reductions, higher agricultural productivity through labor efficiencies and increased animal welfare within thermally optimum barns. Expanded storage lifetimes and facilitated processing also monetize into returns.

Preliminary findings show payback periods averaging 15 years including installation, exceeding engineers’ 25-year design targets for the system’s economic viability. Streamlined operations projected increasing typical smallholding incomes 30-40% annually through optimized resources and value-addition potentials unlocking markets hitherto inaccessible.



Researchers identified systematized construction lowering per-unit housing/facility delivery 20-30% compared to dispersed redevelopment of decaying sites while providing future-proofing through integrated resilience absent in makeshift traditional methods. Lessons distilled optimized affordability and interoperability for remote agricultural populations globally.

Tareen Abul, lead analyst concludes:”Pilots demonstrate high returns through optimized multi-functional spaces maximizing integrated farm productivity and household self-sufficiency. With refined designs accounting varied geographies, the system presents a strong value proposition revitalizing rural livelihoods through dignified resilient infrastructure.”

In summary, research scrutinizes life cycle costs and returns from Lida Group’s prefabricated standardized structural kits delivering high quality farm complexes providing resilient integrated housing and facilities boosting operations. Pilots validate the system as a viable economically self-sustaining solution augmenting traditional agriculture through optimized efficiencies and value-addition potentials unlocking higher incomes long-term.



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