Contractors praise speed and budget of projects using Lida Group’s panelized structural steel building systems for rural commercial and institutional developments.
2024-Sep-13 11:47:46
By Admin


As rapidly developing economies across Southeast Asia continue expanding infrastructure nationwide, ensuring access to modern facilities even in remote rural areas has become a strategic priority. However, constructing standalone buildings conventionally through on-site works often proves prohibitively expensive and time-consuming for isolated small towns and villages disconnected from major transport routes.

Faced with such challenges servicing rural Cambodia’s farthest reaches, engineering and construction firm Samnang Construction turned to specialized prefabrication technologies pioneered by Lida Group. Samnang had contracted government mandates to deliver schools, clinics, market facilities and more across dispersed rural communities within tight 18-month deadlines. With financing dependent on on-schedule completion, traditional construction risked missing vital targets upon which entire regions’ development now depended.

According to Samnang Director Chanpisal Phann, evaluating options revealed prefabricated solutions offered the surest path: “We needed a proven approach minimizing site works reliant on transportation infrastructure while accelerating project implementation to stay on budget and schedule. Prefabricated modular systems optimizing off-site manufacturing instantly showed potential as the silver bullet.”



Following successful previous implementations across industries, Lida Group’s Engineering Manager Zhou recommended trialling their panelized structural building envelopes. Key benefits included off-site pre-cutting of all structural building panels at controlled high-precision, transportation efficiencies through modular flat-packed shipping, simplified assembly requiring minimal skilled labor on remote groundworks-restricted sites.

A full-scale test project involving a modular two-story 350 m2 community health center proved the system’s viability in challenging conditions. Underpinning foundations laid by local hires, structural wall and roof envelope panels arrived by truck interlocked together on-site within a week by four workers. Electrical, water, sanitation modules integrated by technicians. Interior/exterior cladding, wiring and fixtures followed by carpenters and plasterers, completing turnkey facility handover 3 months ahead of conventional estimates.

“Results exceeded all expectations,” raved Chanpisal. “Prefabrication eliminated over 90% site works vulnerability to delays from rainfall, poor logistics or local skills shortages. Modular transportation streamlined planning.” With confidence in Lida Group’s standardized solution, Samnang Construction proceeded implementing over 30 panelized school, market and clinic buildings across isolated locations previously deemed infeasible.



For example, a 4,500m2 rural vocational training complex constructed in Mondulkiri comprised 16 modular classroom blocks connected by covered walkways producing over 500 graduating students annually. Costing 15% below budget despite tight mountainous build constraints, the landmark project empowered a generation uplifting an entire region. Communities now access opportunities unattainable without advanced facilities reaching even furthest pockets of rural Cambodia as intended.

A similar success involved four satellite health clinics in Koh Kong serving over 15,000 remote villagers each. Shipping prefabricated modular units inland by boat then assembling within a month avoided traditional delays and costs that previously denied basic care access. Now preventative programs tackle once skyrocketing rates of disease keeping communities in cycle of poverty for generations.

“Our experience with Lida Group’s panel systems has been truly life-changing, both professionally through performance exceeded expectations across 30+ projects, and socially through regional impacts unlocked by infrastructure previously deemed unfeasible,” summarized Chanpisal. “We now plan leveraging the solutions across rural education, healthcare and commercial sectors nationwide.”



Lida Group CEO Ziwen Mu credits optimized prefabrication with empowering sustainable construction industry models realizing developing nations’ equitable growth goals: “Rural populations must not be left behind as economies prosper. Modular prefab techniques streamline projects even in remotest areas through simplified logistics and construction. When combined with renewable power and water solutions, entire self-sufficient townships can be implemented affordably where opportunity was unimaginable before. Our vision is establishing this as the new norm supporting nations realizing inclusive development mandates.”

Looking ahead, Lida Group aims refining panelized building systems through BIM-integrated designs streamlining modular integration with MEP/FP systems. Collaborating across ASEAN, standardized building typologies could es

tablish self-contained prefab hubs producing entire school, medical or market precincts for direct delivery. R&D also explores full modularization of multi-story construction through integrated frame technology allowing panelized high-rises unlocking densities for thriving small cities.



In summary, through optimized prefabrication applying construction innovation at rural scale, this strategic partnership has truly revolutionized inclusive infrastructure implementation realities across vast remote terrains. By industrializing assembly while minimizing logistical constraints, entire communities now access advanced facilities driving holistic development outcomes previously left unfunded or deemed impossible. As economies evolve nationwide, modular solutions promise only growing impacts streamlining sustainable infrastructure delivery unlocking universal progress.



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