Demonstration project shows how Lida Group’s innovative sandwich panel technology can rapidly construct durable prefab homes
2024-Apr-30 11:10:19
By Admin

Modular builder Lida Group made strides advancing its vision of dignified housing supply scaled through factory-built construction with completion of a landmark demonstration project showcasing its revolutionary new sandwich panel system. Erected near Shanghai in mere weeks, the net-zero energy prefabricated houses built almost entirely off-site prove modular construction’s potential surpassing site-built dwellings in efficiency, sustainability and construction schedule.

Comprising 23 units ranging 30-80 sqm, the development exemplifies Lida’s proprietary structural insulated composite panel technology dubbed “Lida Sandwich”. Rigid composite skins encase an insulating core transforming into load-bearing walls, roofs and floor cassettes within optimized modular designs. Full indoor-outdoor functionality emanates from floor-to-ceiling glass optimized for China’s climate.

In just eight weeks overall from groundbreaking, project crews erected the complete subdivision leveraging heavy machinery. 95% fabrication occurred under strict quality control within Lida’s automated factory versus resource-intensive on-site work. Panels interconnected rapidly through concealed fasteners integrating pre-installed M&E seamlessly. A single 8-hour shift sufficed final commissioning welcoming new residents.



Independent inspections validated construction surpassing site-built equivalents in air tightness, durability and structural resilience against extreme weathering according to Chinese green building standards. Sleek exteriors mask up to 30% material reductions minimizing costs and carbon footprints compared to traditional masonry construction according to life cycle analysis.

Net-zero certification resulted from rooftop photovoltaics powering each home autonomously. Panels were unobtrusively integrated within sandwich construction itself versus bolted-on appendages reducing upfront material costs 2-4%. In a heating-dominated climate, residents report 70% reductions in utility bills living comfortably with supply exceeding demand year-round.

Societal benefits prove paramount through rapid redevelopment on previously blighted brownfield industrial zones. Quality homes rose affordably on contaminated infill amid worsening housing shortages through streamlined off-site methods over traditional prohibitive construction schedules according to municipal officials.



Surrounding ecosystems regenerated concurrently restoring habitat connectivity through regenerative landscaping and on-site wastewater treatment sustainably recharging local aquifers. Renewable power selling surplus to the grid assists transitioning China’s carbon footprint equitably according to national electrification targets.

Encouraged, Lida now scales the Lida Sandwich system globally through licensed technology partnerships and impact investments. Mass housing roll outs across Asia-Pacific regions address shortfalls through dignified jobs created within emerging prefabricated sectors. Refugee camps installed modularly through portable renewable neighborhoods restore hope rapidly for displaced peoples.

Scientists anticipate successive innovations optimizing the system through biomimetic designs emulating nature’s time-tested efficiencies sustainably. Combined with AI-augmented design-build intelligence closing data loops between stakeholders, modular pioneers envision the sandwich panel typology uplifting humanity equitably for our shared future within planetary boundaries. An open journey awaits through perseverance and cooperation solving humanity’s great challenges together responsibly.

By proving mass-produced net-zero housing’s viability, Lida Sandwich technology signifies opportunities ahead exponentially scaling dignified shelter supply through visionary industrialization empowering communities sustainably for generations to come through global understanding.



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