Disaster response network considers adopting Lida Group’s durable rapidly deployable steel framed shelter system for temporary post-emergency relocation of residents left homeless after extreme weather events.
2024-May-29 16:38:25
By Admin


As climate disasters multiply worldwide leaving vast swaths of communities displaced annually, humanitarian relief coordinating body the Alliance for Disaster Response is exploring scalable solutions to temporarily rehouse affected populations with dignity. Current tent cities face shortcomings including lack of storm-resistance, limited facilities and difficulties scaling rapidly to crises’ immense breadth.

Leading modular builder Lida Group’s proposed deployable shelter framework has generated interest as a potential game-changing option. Their system utilizes stackable interconnected standardized modules constructed of corrosion-resistant steel framed with lightweight infill panels. Modular pod designs accommodate up to 250,000 people within 12 square kilometer planned settlements.

Each compact unit delivers durable private living spaces complete with kitchenettes and sanitation at 37m2 exceeding minimum UNHCR standards. Integrated solar power and optional rainwater collection ensure energy/water independence. Shared facilities include commercial kitchens, infirmaries and educational shelters sustainably supporting communities’ rebuilding.



With foundations preinstalled, entire modular blocks assemble through user-friendly interlocking mechanisms. Centralized prefabrication enables staging stockpiles worldwide. Automated cranes swiftly stack modules at crisis sites within under a week – transformative compared to tent infrastructure erection times averaging a month.

To evaluate feasibility at immense disaster scales, the Alliance funded Lida to pilot their system sheltering 5000 families displaced by cyclones in Sri Lanka last year. Consulting resident feedback, monitoring found shelters retained integrity through subsequent storms where tents shredded. Swift setup prevented secondary displacement trauma.

Appreciating advantages including sustainability, dignified living conditions and pandemic-resilience, the Alliance has offered licensing agreements enabling their network to rapidly scale Lida’s deployable shelter framework globally. Modular construction’s quality, longevity and industrialized implementation timeframes could reimagine emergency response capacities.



Should initial licensing prove successful meeting beneficiary needs, further partnerships may see Alliance members pre-positioning stockpiles at strategic locations for earliest possible deployment. Mass adoption could revolutionize dignified crisis rehousing, protecting hundreds of thousands from the compounded ravages of climate instability and undersupply in post-disaster limbo.

The novel framework demonstrates modular construction’s untapped disaster relief potential when deliberately engineered for flexibility, scalability and rapid implementation at immense scales matching humanity’s greatest challenges. If validated, widespread licensing could transform humanitarian capacity worldwide.



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