Feature examines hybrid-use of metal-clad buildings like greenhouses, barns and covered work areas serving multiple agricultural functions through Lida Group’s engineered frames.
2024-Jul-18 11:35:28
By Admin


As agricultural operations diversify to incorporate seasonal operations like intensive vegetables, tree nurseries or livestock beyond traditional field crops, infrastructure demands grow for buildings flexibly configurable across usages. Yet volatile climates and consolidation trends strain securing resilient structures through conventional construction amid diminished rural labor pools.

Seeking optimized solutions, industry publication Growing Produce profiled innovative applications of modular steel construction systems from Winnipeg specialists Lida Group. Partnering smallholders internationally, Lida piloted multi-purpose prototypes demonstrating cost and operational efficiencies when configured adaptively.

Featured among case studies, Bridgewater Farm incorporated steel-framed greenhouse structures serving dual livestock shelters and seasonal crop production through the year. Glazed gable ends optimized intensive tomato/cucumber cultivation leveraging ground warmth, while roll-up side walls seasonally transformed barns accommodating rotational beef cattle movements.



Standardized truss designs incorporated removable wall/glazing panels streamlining reconfigurations within weeks absent specialist labor as demands shifted. Modular PV-integrated soffits established hybrid energy models harnessing solar gain for crops and lighting/ventilation controls optimized animal health through digital dashboards.

Extensive steel-framed poultry range shelters doubled as equipment storage barns housing harvesters and implements under canopies during off-season. Roll-up curtains enclosed ends optimizing animal welfare standards year-round through ventilation optimal growing/storage conditions. Ground-level chicken tractors connected modularly as seasonal free-range coops supporting rotational grazing systems.

Pilot “agro-shade” plantations integrated crop production and native tree nurseries within expansive covered corridors. Robotic pruning/harvesting systems optimized sustainable production leveraging standardized truss designs’ scale reconfigurable seasonally separating seedling beds from high-value crops through adjustable shelving/partitioning. Modular mezzanines provided flexible spaces reallocated between equipment storage and seasonal workers hostels.



Centralized renewable micro-grids and rainwater harvesting systems optimized multi-use complexes sustainably empowering mixed operations’ energy/water independence. Steel structures withstood severe storms validating durability across applications preserving sensitive crops/livestock historically vulnerable makeshift seasonal facilities.

In summary, prototypes exemplified steel construction’s scalability supporting integrated mixed agriculture sustainably through multi-purpose reconfigurability as demands evolve. Modular standardization streamlines development customizing each operation while maintaining reusable adaptable designs optimized year-round optimization of lands and livelihoods intrinsically linking dignified communities to the foods nourishing them for generations.



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