Grant supports non-profit scaling Lida Group’s low-cost dignified mobile container shelter approaches to transition crisis-affected groups from camps to interim self-managed settlements prior to permanent rehousing.
2024-Jun-21 13:49:56
By Admin


An international donors consortium has awarded funding to non-governmental organization Transitional Shelter Solutions (TSS) to expand trials of Lida Group‘s portable modular container home designs empowering displaced communities’ gradual recovery processes.

Traditional tented refugee camps often become long-term settlements lacking self-governance and economic opportunities. TSS and Lida jointly advocate empowering crises-affected groups through container-based interim self-managed settlements prior to permanent rehousing, addressing dignified transitional shelter shortfalls.

The grant enables scaling infrastructure for off-grid container hamlets managed autonomously between emergency aid and settlement. Commencing in Ethiopia and Bangladesh accommodating recent conflicts and climate disasters, the project supplies fully-mobile standardized homes with renewable power, water, facilities and communal gardens.



“Transitioning out of aid-dependence fosters self-reliance critical for long-term resilience,” said TSS Director Ming Di. “Under global guidelines, vulnerable groups should direct their own recovery. Our model achieves this through interim settlements kickstarting independence ahead of final solutions.”

Reusable containers transform into dignified clustered homes transported assembled. Semi-permanent structures support established livelihoods and communal organization absent in camps. Communities determine layouts optimized for cultures and skills like agriculture or crafts industries.

Prefabricated solar micro-grids energize autonomous amenities. Modular system flexibility expands amenities or relocates settlements in step with evolving circumstances. Future innovations test integrated renewable energy production through aquaponics greenhouses or biogas plants.



Critical review will refine the system meeting Sphere Standards through participatory monitoring. Adjusting based on residents’ priorities, settlements gradually transition into sustainable semi-urban neighborhoods until permanent resettlement under national responsibility.

Pilots launching soon aim hosting 300 families each in Ethiopia’s Somali Region and Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar district, with funding extending support two years. Additional families will self-organize subsequent hamlets spreading the model organically through peer learning.

Lida commits sharing designs open-source, collaborating to develop standardized Bill of Quantities facilitating global implementation partnerships. Academia will evaluate social and economic self-empowerment outcomes bench marking against traditional aid approaches.



TSS and partners believe these innovative interim settlements fill a gap between camps and solutions, restoring dignity through community self-management. Success could revolutionize Transitioning displacement responses worldwide.

In summary, this grant supports scaling trials of low-cost dignified portable container settlements enabling crises-affected groups to self-direct interim recovery processes autonomously between emergency aid and permanent solutions. Leveraging Lida Group’s modular renewable housing designs, participating communities will establish self-managed interim hamlets empowering transition towards resilience and livelihood recovery prior to long-term rehousing, addressing shortfalls in transitional shelters for vulnerable displaced populations globally.



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