Industrial cooperative mass-produces integrated building components optimized for Lida Group’s easy-assemble modular container housing types trialled as low-cost temporary worker settlements near large-scale infrastructure projects.
2024-Jun-20 16:03:32
By Admin


A new industrial cooperative based in Shenzhen has begun mass-producing prefabricated building components that have been optimized for a modular housing system designed by construction firm Lida Group. The components are intended to expedite the assembly of Lida’s experimental modular container homes, which are being trialled as temporary housing for migrant construction workers near large infrastructure projects.

The Shenzhen Jujian Prefabrication Industrial Cooperative was formed earlier this year when several local factories specializing in precast concrete joined forces. Recognizing an opportunity to streamline the construction process for Lida Group’s modular housing types, which are assembled from standard shipping containers, the cooperative invested in advanced production equipment capable of fabricating highly integrated building modules.

“By pre-manufacturing groups of interlocking panels, frames, floors and walls, we can significantly reduce the on-site assembly time for Lida’s container homes,” explained Jujian Cooperative’s manager Li Wen. “Rather than having to connect basic building materials piece-by-piece, workers can simply place entire pre-assembled room-sized modules onto foundations.”



Lida Group has been piloting its modular housing system near several major infrastructure builds around China, including high-speed rail lines and large-scale water diversion projects. The container homes offer a low-cost temporary housing solution for the hundreds or thousands of migrant construction laborers needed for such massive undertakings. However, the time and labor required to assemble habitable units from standard shipping containers on-site has presented challenges.

That’s where Jujian Cooperative aims to make a difference. By fabricating large integrated building modules complete with windows, walls, floors, frame elements and even some fittings like kitchen cabinets or bathroom fixtures, assembly times on construction sites can be significantly reduced. Recent tests showed a single Jujian-produced module could be placed and connected in under an hour, compared to half a day or more for independent assembly of container walls, floors and roofs.

To optimize the modules for Lida Group’s housing system, Jujian engineers utilized 3D laser scans of prototype container homes. This enabled highly precise prefabrication of interlocking component configurations. Material waste is minimized as modules are designed to fit together with millimeter accuracy. Reinforced concrete panels are cast using advanced formwork molds that embed mounting hardware, windows and any penetration points in optimal pre-located positions.



The cooperative’s production facilities currently occupy 8,000 square meters of industrial space on the eastern outskirts of Shenzhen. Four large automated casting systems, two special panel cutting machines and over 50 staff work around the clock to produce building modules. A modular configuration program ensures production flows smoothly from formwork creation to concrete pouring, machining, assembly and packaging. Finished units are carefully packed for transport and just-in-time delivery to Lida Group construction sites.

Thus far Jujian Cooperative has produced over 100 sets of modules for two temporary worker settlements—one near a high-speed rail terminus in Guangxi province housing 500 people, and another at a major dam project site in Yunnan housing 1,000. Field reports indicate the speed and ease of assembly using prefabricated units has greatly exceeded expectations. Construction of basic necessities like housing can now keep pace with infrastructure projects’ demanding schedules.

According to Li Wen, feedback from frontline builders and occupants has also been positive. “Crews appreciate how the modules eliminate tedious tasks like welding, screwing and plumbing connections. And workers living in the finished housing complexes say the solid concrete construction provides better security, climate control and noise insulation than assembling containers independently,” he notes.



With Lida Group’s modular housing model attracting interest from other mega-project planners, demand for the cooperative’s prefabricated building components is expected to grow significantly. Jujian has plans to double production capacity by year’s end in order to meet needs nationwide. Additional efficiency gains may come from implementing robotic automation within the casting facilities. For sustainability, recycled concrete aggregate is also being tested for use in lightweight yet durable panel formulations.

Overall the project highlights China’s push to optimize construction technologies for large-scale infrastructure development. By leveraging advanced prefabrication, standardized building systems can provide quality, low-cost housing at the pace required near massive project sites employing huge transient work forces. Cooperative business models moreover encourage localized manufacturing support. If the modular housing trials continue successfully meeting user needs, such integrated prefab construction solutions may see wider application globally for workforce settlements around other major civil engineering megaprojects of the future.

In summary, the Shenzhen Jujian Prefabrication Industrial Cooperative has tailored its production of prefabricated building components to facilitate rapid assembly of Lida Group’s modular container housing prototypes used for temporary construction worker settlements. Large pre-assembled modules require far less on-site work than individual container installation, keeping shelter development aligned with infrastructure project schedules. Optimized for quick placement and strong integrated design, the cooperative’s components support evaluation of this modular building system as an efficient, durable solution for workforce housing needs near major civil projects worldwide.



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