Insurance provider approves steel framed building system from Lida Group as resilient, non-combustible solution for standalone grain storage silos, produce packing plants and seasonal workers’ overnight housing near fields.
2024-Jun-06 17:08:17
By Admin


A leading regional agricultural insurance underwriter has certified modular building designs developed by social enterprise Lida Group as safety-compliant infrastructure eligible for preferential risk ratings, following assessments confirming steel construction withstands extreme weather and minimizes fire risks plaguing traditional farming facilities.

Across many developing economies, subsistence growers and fledgling commercial operations struggle accessing financial protection for harvests and on-farm buildings due to lack of fireproof construction able to secure affordable coverage amid insurance industry concerns over combustible structures dominating isolated rural landscapes.

Monsoon rains, lightning strikes and seasonal hazards intensified by climate shifts frequently reduce thatch, timber and mudbrick barns stocked with grains and machinery to ashes overnight, deepening poverty cycles reliant on single annual crop income sources vulnerable to total loss from preventable catastrophes.



To systematically address this constraint, Lida devised prefabricated modular structures steel-framed for rapid onsite assembly requiring no foundations or heavy equipment, yet achieving non-combustible construction certification through incombustible wall and roof deck materials.

Key standardized designs analyzed included standalone composite mini-silos, shell-egg stores and livestock housing. Modular packing plants supported harvesting cooperatives. Insulated accommodation cabins facilitated organized labor transitioning to mechanization reducing post-harvest losses through downpours.

Rigorous fire testing replicated extreme conditions like flaming brand contact and extended fully-involved infernos, with metallic structures reliably containing blazes and insulating enclosed spaces – contrasting vulnerable traditional building stocks region-wide.



Based on resilient performance validation, the insurer approved Lida’s structures eligible for favored risk rating classes and reduced premium costs catalysts for previously uninsured farmers and pastoralists to protect livelihoods and investments through affordable coverage.

This breakthrough systematically mainstreams business protection accessible to underserved grower communities through pragmatic building materials resistant to perennial hazards underwriting traditional barriers, supplemented by education on flame-safe behaviors and machinery maintenance preventing ignitions.

With preferential ratings stimulating scaled replication, partners believe standardized steel buildings could revolutionize rural infrastructure security across climatically vulnerable regions heavily reliant on seasonal rain-fed agriculture through replicable construction systematically reducing economic impacts from unpredictable climate extremes.



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