International development organization works with Lida Group to deliver technical support adapting standardized panel home designs to resource-constrained communities hosting long-term displaced populations formerly reliant on cheap temporary shelters.
2024-Jun-08 06:08:29
By Admin


As protracted conflicts force millions into indefinite displacement, transitional shelter often becomes long-term. International organization Transitional Housing Solutions (THS) assists such communities through dignified home solutions. Partnering with leading Chinese designers Lida Group, THS pilots a technical assistance program helping adapter durable modular housing utilizing locally-sourced materials at reduced costs.

Supporting Long-Term Displacement

Many displaced Syrians entering a second decade of exile in Jordanian camps rely on tents and prefab structures as shelter, lacking prospects to rebuild livelihoods and independence in temporary settlements. While meeting initial needs, such shelters weren’t intended as permanent housing lacking basics like insulation or safety features. Communities request guidance transitioning to sturdier, healthier homes.

Adapting Modular Panel Designs

THS and Lida Group developed pre-engineered panel designs adaptable worldwide using minimal technical skills. Galvanized steel sandwich panels offer weather-resistance; rigid foam insulation maintains comfort. Standard foundations, trusses and joining hardware ease self-build with minimal tools. Homes meet durable building codes. THS convened local leaders to contextualize formats, integrating cultural elements.



Material Substitution Studies

Lida engineers conducted material substitution research reducing import dependency. Locally-woven palms, compressed earth blocks and salvaged steel performed similarly in testing to commercial products at fraction costs. THS facilitated production cooperatives, transferring techniques creating standardized housing elements sourced sustainably within communities. Substitutions slash bills-of-materials 30-50%.

Construction Training

Multi-disciplinary teams provide on-site training to construction cooperatives. Sessions cover panel assembly, foundation-laying, electrical/plumbing, safety protocols and management best practices. Trainees gain marketable skills while constructing homes. Construction is participatory; families directly involved in their housing regains agency and dignity. Completed homes showcase adapted modular techniques to neighboring communities.

Long-Term Impacts

Adapted panel housing in Jordanian settlements creates permanent neighborhoods replacing tents within communities. Residents report improved physical/mental wellbeing in secure homes insulated from weather and pests. Children thrive with protected living/study spaces versus overcrowded tents. Strengthened local production cooperatives empower displaced populations through income/skills and cultural preservation. Homes withstand severe winters without damage where tents fail, validating durable modular techniques.



Regional Replication

THS expands programming with Lida Group providing technical assistance workshops reaching carpenters/artisans across the region to establish local modular building sectors. Guidance contextualizes designs using accessible indigenous materials. Capacity building workshops transfer skills to local partners. Cooperatives earn accreditation producing certified panel components. Affordable transitional solutions evolving into thriving architecture.

In conclusion, the innovative partnership successfully pilots customized modular housing solutions specifically for resource-constrained displacement contexts. The program demonstrates dignified shelter can transition communities from temporary to permanent through culturally-relevant adapted construction techniques and capacity building. Regional impact promises to transform stability for millions reliant on tents as long-term housing.



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