Lida Group develops customized design of mobile prefab container apartments integrated with communal facilities to upgrade substandard living condition at decommissioned military labor dormitories.
2024-May-13 17:29:20
By Admin


When the Ministry of Defence announced plans to decommission aging military labor dormitories no longer meeting operational needs, Lida Group saw an opportunity to demonstrate innovative modular construction technologies improving social welfare. The dormitories, originally built decades ago to house low-ranking enlisted personnel at remote bases, had deteriorated into substandard and unsanitary housing lacking essential amenities.

Lida proposed retrofitting entire dormitory complexes through installation of customized container-based prefabricated apartment modules combined with modern shared facilities. The modular upgrade offered a cost-effective pilot showcasing container construction applications beyond temporary shelters. It would transform crowded barracks into healthy, dignified living-working communities supporting military laborers’ well-being and commitment to their important roles.

After on-site surveys, Lida designed semi-permanent apartment clusters adaptable to various dormitory sites’ unique conditions and terrains. Modular units featured individual bedrooms, private bathrooms and combined living-working spaces catering to residents’ job responsibilities. Units were fully equipped yet reconfigurable to adapt as labor roles change over time.



Manufactured off-site using refurbished shipping containers for walls and a lightweight steel frame, apartments were equipped with solar power, water recycling and high-speed internet/intranet systems. Their mobility allowed relocating entire clusters efficiently to follow bases’ expansion without disrupting long-term residents.

Complementing apartments, new communal facility containers provided canteens, fitness areas, libraries and workshops promoting socialization and skills development. Infrastructure like roads, rainwater collection and landscaping transformed dormitories into productive live-work villages.

Since installation, resident surveys report improved quality of life, health indicators and job satisfaction versus primitive barracks. Base commanders appreciate modular designs future-proofing aging infrastructure vs conventional renovations. The standardized clusters’ mobility and scalability has Lida exploring broader civilian applications revitalizing other aging housing complexes.



Officials recognize container-based modular upgrades demonstrate dignified housing need not compromise operational efficiency. Their success inspired additional pilot partnerships applying innovative construction solutions enhancing social welfare for civilian and institutionalized worker communities elsewhere in need of infrastructure revival.



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