Lida Group introduces new structural steel panel technology for fast erection of industrial warehouses that can be economically expanded over time to meet growing business needs.
2024-Sep-12 14:48:48
By Admin


As Cambodia’s economy develops and urbanizes at a rapid clip, demand is surging for modern warehousing and logistics facilities to support expanding industries and e-commerce. However, traditional construction approaches often fail to keep pace with the need for fast, cost-efficient commercial building expansion. Recognizing this gap, China engineering firm Lida Group has developed an innovative new structural steel panel system tailored for Industrial and warehouse applications. This breakthrough technology enables unprecedented speed of erection along with flexibility to scale buildings economically over many phases of growth.

Lida Group’s innovative panel system consists of prefabricated rigid wall, roof and column sections cut, formed and reinforced off-site in a controlled factory environment using computer-controlled machinery. Individual panels measure up to 6m x 3m and are sandwiched assemblies up to 150mm thick consisting of exterior steel sheeting, interior lining, welded steel reinforcement and insulating foam core. Panels interconnect via concealed steel joints to form complete watertight enclosure and load-bearing building envelopes requiring no additional wet works.

Compared to conventional concrete tilt-up walls or assembled light steel framing, Lida Group’s new panel system streamlines project delivery through an unprecedented level of off-site prefabrication. Complete wall, roof and structural sections are built, finished and delivered like giant building blocks ready for rapid stacking and bolting together on arrival. Construction schedules are drastically compressed, with Lida Group now able to erect average 5,000m2 warehouses within 4-6 weeks – around half the time of conventional methods.



A key advantage is the system’s modular, scalable design. Initial shell-only structures can be economically expanded cell by cell over time simply by connecting new matching panels. Additional capacity becomes instantly available without the cost inefficiencies of traditional phased expansions involving infill construction work. Building lifespan is also vastly extended through future-proofing for growth. According to Ziwen Mu, Lida Group’s Managing Director, “Our system provides unmatched implementation flexibility for commercial projects where needs inevitably change over a 20-30 year period. Clients gain long term utilization value through ability to economically expand as required instead of replacing entire facilities.”

Another major benefit comes from simplifying and rationalizing the construction process. Panel erection requires minimal skilled labor beyond basic lifting equipment operators since connections are factory sealed. On-site assembly becomes a simple stacking exercise well-suited for local unskilled labor pools, addressing Cambodia’s shortage of construction trade workers. Risk of assembly errors, delayed schedules from poor site coordination or weather impacts are vastly mitigated through prefabrication in controlled factory conditions.



As proof of concept, Lida Group completed their first full-scale panel system warehouse project for local logistics provider Mekong Delta ahead of schedule and under original budget estimates. Key results included:

– 4 weeks to erect 4,500m2 clearspan warehouse vs 9 weeks estimated for traditional build.

– 85% labor cost savings due to simplified on-site works requiring minimal skilled trade input.

– Seamless enclosure within 2 weeks provided instant weatherproof shell for follow-on fitout and tenant move-in.

– Excellent air-tightness and insulation properties deliver major operational energy savings vs conventional construction.

– Structure designed for future 30% expansion through simply adding on additional matching panels.

Mekong Delta’s General Manager Vannaseth Chean expressed complete satisfaction: “From speed of project implementation to long term cost efficiencies, Lida Group has revolutionized what’s possible for our industry. This warehouse exceeds all objectives and positions us for continued sustainable growth into the future.”

Following the success of the proof-of-concept project, Lida Group has since rolled out the new panel system across many additional warehouse and industrial clients. Vibol Hardware, Cambodia’s leading tooling and hardware supplier, engaged Lida Group to construct three new regional distribution centers in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville utilizing the breakthrough technology. The buildings feature pan-Asian clear span footprints up to 8,000 m2 and were delivered 6 months sooner than traditional options could have provided.



Vibol’s Investment Director In Sokhom credited the accelerated timelines with dramatically amplifying his company’s competitive advantage: “Speed to market is everything in our industry. By having fully operational new DCs 6 months sooner than planned, we gained immensely valuable lead time to roll-out new product lines, services and expanded catchment areas ahead of competitors. Lida Group’s structural panel system is truly a game changer that has empowered our ambitions to scale faster than ever imagined before.”

Additional implementations include a 2,500m2 cold storage and logistics facility for Aeon Food Industries and several regional assembly plants for electronics manufacturer Total Access Communication. In all cases, clients report exceptional project performance, cost efficiencies and flexibility for future growth far exceeding expectations from any conventional means.

When reflecting on the revolutionary impact of Lida Group’s structural panel system technology so far, Ziwen Mu sees it as the next logical step-change in prefabricated solutions: “After over 15 years optimizing light steel framing methods, we felt it was time for our next major R&D push. Our structural panels have truly industrialized the construction process for certain commercial building typologies and will continue unlocking new potentials as technology progression accelerates. We aim to solidify Cambodia’s supply chain competitiveness on a global scale.”



Looking ahead, Lida Group aims to continually refine panel sizes, connections and integrated building systems while expanding operations regionally. Opportunities exist across Southeast Asia’s rapidly developing industrial, logistics and cold storage sectors. There is also scope to leverage the simplified erection into affordable housing, schools and community infrastructure applications. Most excitingly, Antony envisions a future where entire multi-story buildings may be constructed this way from the ground up through continued innovation – redefining skylines as economies rise across Asia.

In summary, Lida Group’s revolutionary structural steel panel system represents the next logical step in the evolution of prefabricated construction technologies. By industrializing the assembly process to an unprecedented degree, projects are implemented at unparalleled speeds while maintaining flexibility for long term capacity expansion. For Cambodia’s growing industries and economy, this breakthrough promises greatly enhanced competitiveness through infrastructure that stays adaptable to change at minimal cost – empowering sustainable development for generations to come just as the country rises onto the global stage.



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