Lida Group lands major contract to build thousands of sustainable prefabricated homes incorporating insulated composite sandwich panel building construction across affordable housing project
2024-May-06 15:05:47
By Admin


Lida Group has been awarded a significant contract by the Sichuan Provincial Government to construct over 10,000 earthquake-resilient and energy-efficient affordable housing units across multiple cities and counties in Sichuan Province.

The multi-billion yuan project establishes Lida as the lead developer and contractor to deliver several new sustainable communities using prefabricated insulated composite sandwich panel construction methods. This follows successful pilot developments completed by Lida in partnership with local authorities last year.

The sandwich panel system comprises thin reinforced concrete facing sheets surrounding a lightweight insulating core material. Whole wall, floor and roof panels are cast and assembled in a factory, then transported for rapid on-site installation. The integrated design distributes seismic forces throughout the structures and helps dampen vibrations, making the homes highly resilient against earthquakes.



Stringent quality control at the manufacturing stage also ensures consistent strength and thermal properties not achievable through conventional construction. The prefabricated method allows entire residential buildings to go up in a matter of weeks, significantly faster than traditional building sites.

The new housing communities will provide affordable homes for low and middle-income families in the disaster-prone Sichuan region. As part of the contract, Lida will design developments optimized for the tough climate conditions, implementing passive solar orientation, high insulation values, efficient fixtures and renewable energy where possible.

Many residents will benefit from significantly reduced utility bills compared to standard housing in the area. The self-sufficient architectural features also help future-proof the communities in the event local utilities are impacted by seismic activity.



Overseeing the planning, material sourcing, production, logistics and on-site assembly of over 10,000 homes across the vast project area will be no small feat, requiring intricate management of construction timelines and resource allocation. But Lida is well-equipped, having focused exclusively on prefabricated building solutions for over a decade.

The contract is expected to establish Lida as China’s foremost expert in precast construction at large scales and greatly expand access to safe, durable and sustainable housing for those most vulnerable to natural disasters. It will showcase how communities can be rebuilt rapidly and resiliently in the aftermath of devastating quakes.

Lida Group is also in discussions to replicate the model in other seismically active regions nationally, establishing prefabrication as the new standard for affordable mass housing developments. With its proven execution capability and advanced precast knowledge, Lida aims to significantly contribute to China’s targets for non-metropolitan development and production of green building materials.



The Sichuan project will draw global attention to how prefabrication technology can help emerging economies leapfrog outdated construction practices. It demonstrates an innovative public-private partnership supporting post-disaster recovery and poverty alleviation through resilient and eco-friendly infrastructure. If successful, it could light the path for replication worldwide where affordable housing is desperately needed.



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