Lida Group partners with local governments to deliver earthquake-resistant affordable housing communities using prefabricated building modules comprising structural sandwich wall and roof panels
2024-May-06 11:51:49
By Admin

Lida Group, one of China’s leading construction and real estate development firms, is partnering with municipal governments across seismic-prone regions to deliver affordable housing communities using prefabricated building modules that significantly boost earthquake resilience.

The partnerships will see Lida Group work closely with local authorities to design and construct entire housing developments comprised of structural precast concrete sandwich panels for the walls and roofs of each residential unit. The innovative building system offers major advantages over traditional on-site construction methods in terms of construction efficiency, quality control, and earthquake performance.

Through these partnerships, Lida aims to address the shortage of safe and affordable housing options in areas vulnerable to seismic activity, while demonstrating new approaches to disaster-resilient development. The first projects will be launched in Wenchuan and Lushan counties in Sichuan province, both sites of destructive past earthquakes.



Prefabricated construction using structural sandwich panels is rapidly gaining traction worldwide for its ability to deliver structures that meet stringent building codes and withstand intense earthquake shaking with minimal damage. The system employs insulated wall and roof panels that sandwich a lightweight insulating material such as polystyrene or mineral wool between two ultra-thin layers of reinforced concrete.

This integrated design distributes seismic forces evenly throughout the structure while dampening vibrations. Prefabrication also allows for strict quality control measures to be implemented during panel production that simply cannot be replicated on typical construction sites. The end result is buildings that are not only resilient to earthquakes but also energy efficient, sustainable, durable, and able to be assembled rapidly.

For Lida Group’s affordable housing projects with local authorities, entire residential buildings will be fabricated in controlled factory environments and then transported for rapid on-site assembly. Over 90% of each unit will comprise precast sandwich panels joined together using reinforced concrete connections. Structural engineers will design the panels to exceed code-level seismic requirements.



Given the predictable earthquake threat across many regions of China, the partnership model aims to demonstrate how prefabricated construction can help expand access to safe housing, reduce casualties during disasters, and support rapid post-earthquake recovery efforts. This is particularly pressing in less developed inland provinces where traditional build methods leave many vulnerable in substandard housing.

By working with governments directly, Lida Group will be able to roll out entire prefabricated communities at scale, overcoming some of the hurdles that have previously slowed widespread adoption of the technology such as high upfront costs and construction coordination challenges across multiple developers and contractors.

Municipal co-investment is also expected to make the developments significantly more affordable for home buyers compared to typical prefabricated or site-built options available on the private market. Subsidies will keep prices constrained within reasonable ranges for target middle-income demographics, while upholding strict engineering and design standards.



The first pilot projects will include multi-story apartment blocks as well as standalone townhouses, demonstrating the adaptability of the precast system. Construction is slated to begin later this year once engineering plans and funding agreements are finalized. Lida Group aims to partner on at least 10,000 total housing units across Sichuan and neighboring provinces within five years.

If successful, the partnerships could establish a new model for resilient development supported through public-private cooperation. And they may help spur broader adoption of prefabricated building solutions in China’s construction industry as both a safer and more cost-effective approach – not just for housing but other buildings as well. With continued engagement from firms like Lida Group, precast construction may finally achieve large scales needed to transform how China’s seismic regions are developed.



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