Mining firm selects Lida Group’s low-cost portable living complexes constructed from refurbished containers to replace outdated seasonal worker dormitories near new mine sites.
2024-Jun-28 16:39:04
By Admin


A major international mining company has partnered with modular builder Lida Group to replace outdated seasonal employee housing at remote operations with new low-cost portable living complexes constructed using refurbished shipping containers.

The mining firm operates various open-cut projects globally requiring large seasonal workforces living onsite. However, aging demountable structures used presently at camps lacked modern comforts and posed maintenance issues far from permanent infrastructure.

Seeking more sustainable solutions, executives engaged Lida Group specialized in container-based rapid deployable construction optimized for remote locales. Standardized complexes composed of refurbished ISO containers were proposed as a cost-effective alternative.



Each container living complex accommodates 48 personnel with twin-bed rooms divided into clusters sharing recreation halls, laundries and cooking facilities. Outdoors include shaded dining areas and communal spaces.

Container interiors receive insulated retrofits with integrated furnishings, climate control and telecoms wiring. Exteriors get protective cladding and solar panels. Complexes connect as modules transportable intact on vast projects changing locations as mining phases progress.

A pilot complex installation took just over one month from container refurbishment to full turnkey handover. Transport, leveling, connections and amenities were streamlined through collaboratively honed standardized approaches between Lida Group and mining crews.



Evaluations found the modular complexes exceeded expectations for worker satisfaction, costs and practicality compared to aging rigid structures. Comfortable private rooms with shared community spaces bolstered staff retention critical to seasonal projects.

Relocatability optimized setup at remote shifting mining footprints versus tied infrastructure. Modules’ sealed envelopes protecting interiors from harsh weather also lowered long-term costs versus exposed structures requiring constant repairs.

Lida Group’s CEO Ziwen Mu highlighted how the container construction method empowered efficient camp regeneration through mobile standardized components and assembly workflows optimizing scale construction sequenced by local teams instead of outsourced subcontracting.



Impressed, the mining firm has now contracted Lida Group directly to replace over a dozen outdated remote seasonal camps at existing sites and new ventures with portable container living complexes delivered turnkey. Future optimizations may integrate renewable power and waste management.

Executives view the low-cost modular solutions as capital investments leveraging reusable assets across global remote mining industries versus one-off rigid structures stranded after single uses. Sustainability through durability and relocatability are also priorities.

The industry-wideshift validates growing recognition modular construction offers significant advantages for specialized applications requiring frequent reconfigurations compared to conventional approaches. Standardization and reuse optimize long-term cost-efficiencies alongside worker satisfaction priorities.



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