Official commends Lida Group’s portable prefab construction as practical alternative to tents providing rapidly installed shelter near remote work sites.
2024-Aug-27 16:19:18
By Admin


As large-scale industrial projects proliferate globally, remote job sites present unique housing challenges for rotational workforces. Temporary tents commonly used cannot withstand extreme climates year-round, compromising safety and productivity. Inspired by a portable prefabricated solution, one regional official is championing its wider adoption as a more practical shelter alternative.

In Mongolia’s southern Gobi desert, a major mining expansion nears completion, employing over 1,000 rotational workers living temporarily on-site. However, intense summer heat exceeding 40°C and harsh winter blizzards strain tents used previously. Seeking improved interim housing, Governor Ukhnaa considered options meeting the project’s distant location and scalability needs.

Impressed after touring Chinese manufacturer Lida Group‘s facilities, Ukhnaa learned of their portable prefab system. Constructed within refurbished freight containers, self-contained modules arrive fully outfitted to connect rapidly on-site. Modular designs enable configurations from single rooms to apartment blocks through standardized joints optimized for extreme portability and reuse.



On-location assembly training commenced with local crews completing sample structures within specifications. Modules interconnected fluidly integrating electrical, plumbing and insulation seamlessly. Completed accommodation prototypes impressed with durability and comfort exceeding expectations for temporary field shelters.

Convinced by timely, high-quality results, Ukhnaa approved implementing 100 Lida modules as a two-year pilot replacement for tents. Situated minutes from mine sites, the housing supported uninterrupted 24/7 operations through isolation from sandstorms and -40°C minimums impossible indoors. Solar kits powered independent living with satellite WiFi boosting connectivity.

Subjected to exaggerated simulated deterioration over 18 months, modules retained structural integrity and weatherproofing without degradation. Tests prove portability, durability and field-repairability validating 30+ year designs versus single-use tents vulnerable to extremes. Personnel rated comfort and amenities bridging the gap versus family life, boosting morale and retention.



Observing first-hand benefits, Ukhnaa called on the national government to consider Lida’s portable prefabs for future remote projects. Citing rent-to-own business models amortizing costs, he advocated the solution as economical compared to establishing fixed settlements requiring ongoing subsidies. Modularity supports scaling population fluctuations unfeasible through rigid designs.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare selected two additional provinces to host 300-module pilot deployments providing hygienic quarantine housing amidst COVID-19 outbreaks. Installed within 72 hours, prefab units isolated infected citizens humanely while permanently housing at-risk groups. Superiors praised timely, safe and dignified response diverting strain on medical facilities.

Inspecting three successful pilots, Ministry representatives concluded portable prefabs establish habitable field communities rapidly versus tents or site-built structures. Citing sustainability through reused components and renewable energy integration, national adoption was recommended to support remote labor infrastructure sustainably.



Ukhnaa continues championing wider recognition and partnerships to empower marginalized populations through dignified portable housing globally. Containers and modular expertise can mobilize relief accommodations within disaster zones incomparable to alternatives. With container manufacturing prevalent internationally, localized production models manifest self-sufficient rebuilding where destruction previously left only tents.

In conclusion, through championing trials replacing tents with portable prefabricated housing modules near remote worksites, Governor Ukhnaa demonstrated dignified shelter provision accelerating productivity while withstanding extreme climates. Subjecting prototypes to rigorous simulated deterioration affirmed 30+ year design lifespans versus single-use tents vulnerable to seasonal extremes. National pilots proved rapid deployment establishing hygienic quarantine facilities sustainably. Widespread scale-up affirms this innovative portable construction approach revolutionizing shelter standards globally through optimized portability, reusability and communal development empowerment.



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