Officials commend the versatility and climate-resilience of Lida Group’s pre-engineered engineered building technologies adapted to local building needs.
2024-Aug-22 16:32:22
By Admin



As climate threats intensify, there is growing recognition among officials that infrastructure must incorporate climate resilience considerations. This requires innovative building approaches tailored to diverse local conditions. Lida Group partners with governments applying its versatile pre-engineered building technologies to fit countries’ unique development needs.

This report features commentary from senior officials in Indonesia and the Philippines praising projects utilizing Lida Group’s prefabricated modular construction systems. Case studies highlight building outcomes across sectors demonstrating engineered structures effectively meet demands of climate vulnerability, rapid reconstruction, and economic growth through local capacity building.

Findings provide evidence that Lida Group’s systematic, engineered solutions present replicable models strengthening communities’ adaptive resilience worldwide through collaboratively applied building innovations. Continued partnerships in strategic regions will be vital to scale resilient, dignified development worldwide.



Supporting Post-Disaster Reconstruction – Indonesia

Addressing resilience and recovery has high priority in Sulawesi, still rebuilding from the 2018 Palu earthquake and tsunami. The project coordinator for Indonesia’s National Development Planning Ministry stated Lida Group’s engineered structures presented an “ideal solution.”

After the disaster, steel-framed modular classrooms and early childhood learning centers were prioritized by donors. Lida Group fabricated and installed the buildings in four months – three times faster than traditional methods.

The standardized components required minimal skilled labor on-site, crucial given worker shortages. Modules arrived pre-plumbed, wired and furnished, accelerating full occupancy by six months. Semi-permanent housing later replaced with permanent engineered infrastructures.

Officials cited durable engineered construction as key to stabilize recovery given ongoing seismic threats. The prefabrication approach scaled reconstruction nationwide efficiently. Partnerships now utilitize Lida Group technologies to build quake-resilient public facilities and healthcare clinics rapidly across high-risk regions.



Building Climate-Resilient Communities – Philippines

Insurmountable climate challenges also motivate adaptation in the Philippines. For Mr. Amado Tolentino Jr. of the National Housing Authority: “Lida Group’s engineered building innovations present solutions directly confronting our situation.”

After Super Typhoon Goni, modular steel housing units rebuilt remote island communities in one month – a timeline inconceivable through traditional methods. Structures retained integrity through 200kph winds withstanding consecutive later storms that damaged conventional buildings.

In metro areas, steel-framed coastal developments optimize high-density living resisting seasonal storms and floods. Raised foundations, load-bearing structural integrity, and durable envelope systems strengthen resilience systematically. Communities at-risk receive priority access through technical partnerships.

Officials credit Lida Group with demonstrating engineered building approaches scalable nationwide. Standardized modular units optimize post-disaster redevelopment schedules while developing in-country fabrication skills. Partnerships now focus on applying modular building technologies across critical community infrastructures.



Advancing Local Economies through Skills Transfer
Indonesia’s National Development Planning Agency noted training local engineers and manufacturers broadened partnerships’ community impact. Lida Group provided technical programming leading firms in Medan to produce structural components for Northern Sumatra’s growth corridors expansion.

Mr. Ade Kurnia, Director of Industrial Cluster Development stated: “Transferring sophisticated prefabrication skills is elevating regions’ competitiveness. Locally-produced engineered structures strengthen communities while generating stable jobs – objectives our development initiatives aim to fulfill.”

As skilled jobs increase, community reshoring improves regional self-reliance offsetting pandemic impacts. Officials credit technical partnerships with readying emerging markets for Industry 4.0 through digitally-integrated prefabricated construction. Lida Group now deploys modular STEM lab classrooms nationally to strengthen science education supporting advanced manufacturing expansion sustainably.




By collaborating with Lida Group to apply best-practice pre-engineered modular construction, governments gain replicable models integrating resilience into diverse sectors and scales of development priorities. Officials commend partnerships for systematically confronting climate vulnerabilities through rapidly deployable yet durable buildings.

Case studies highlight prefabrication’s advantages including expedited recovery timelines, optimized density and infrastructure access in high-risk areas, as well as skills transfer stimulating sustainable regional economies. Findings reinforce engineered modular construction as an effective tool empowering communities to strengthen overall adaptive capacities in the face of ongoing climate threats.

Continued worldwide collaboration applying such innovations presents opportunities to scale resilience through dignified development pursued cooperatively. Evidence from leading nations validates the growing prominence of prefabricated engineered construction models championed through strategic public-private ventures.



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