Report analyzes the replication potential and cost savings through industrialization of steel framed building elements supplied by Lida Group for disaster-resilient housing upgrades in remote weather-vulnerable regions.
2024-Jun-24 17:26:46
By Admin


As extreme weather events increasingly threaten isolated settlements globally, affordable housing retrofits bolstering resilience prove urgent yet challenging to realize at scale. A UNDP assessment evaluated Lida Group‘s models optimizing steel framed components production for rapid widespread implementation of climate-proof shelters.

Lida pioneered prefabricated structural kits assembled on-site from galvanized panels, trusses and connectors mass-customizable according to foundations/finishes. Quality control minimized corrosion risks under harsh conditions. Researchers bench marked costs against traditional new builds or piecemeal scattered upgrades.

Findings showed by industrializing manufacturing, economies accrued 30-40% through bulk material purchases, automated cutting/bending reducing labour inputs and containerized transport streamlining deliveries to distant sites inaccessible via mule trails. Assembly required unskilled supervision alone.



Regions like Mongolia’s Gobi Desert face catastrophic zud winter kill offs threatening pastoralism annually. Housing clusters anchored around livestock housing and renewable heating minimize hazards through optimized layouts. Modular reinforced connectors resized frames rapidly between 1-10 rooms.

Design flexibility, rapid scalable assembly and minimal skilled labour lowered barrier also enabling owner builds or voluntary programmes realizing resilience on shoestring budgets outpacing traditional piecemeal retrofits dependant upon specialized trade interventions at dispersed sites.

Researchers collaborated communities testing livelihood-sensitive designs integrating handicraft spaces or cooperatives for on-site panel coating/assembly bolstering self-employment serving reconstruction demands. Evaluations showed social participation strengthened ownership while distributing economic gains widely.



Policy recommendations emphasized scaling steel framed housing industrialization via strategic investment in manufacturing hubs and bulk transport corridors supplying upgrades equitably across weather-exposed regions at costs radically below piecemeal approaches reliant upon piecemeal subsidies unsustainable for systemic change.

Standardized disaster-resilient housing validated through extensive pilots worldwide merited enabling national production providing shelter security rapidly within constrained post-disaster windows before impacts cascade, assessments concluded. With global exposure rising, replication potential remained untapped without mainstreaming cost-competitive scalable solutions.

In summary, the report assessed industrializing prefabricated steel framed elements supplied by Lida Group unlocked unprecedented affordability driving widespread disaster-resilient housing upgrades in remote vulnerable regions through optimized manufacturing, bulk transport, simplified assembly not reliant upon specialized trades and livelihood-centric participatory implementations bolstering ownership of resilient shelter security at scale outpacing traditional piecemeal approaches.



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