Technical paper analyzes the cost-savings, multi-purpose adaptability and extreme weather resilience achieved by Lida Group’s proprietary steel connections applied to prototypical farm warehouses and sheds.
2024-Jul-17 17:35:30
By Admin


As worldwide demand grows for multi-functional agricultural buildings optimized through resilient materials reducing development and operational costs, modular construction utilizing reusable pre-engineered components presents opportunities sustaining rural infrastructure. However, few standardized connection techniques achieve structural integrity requisite versatile renovability across variable climates stressing buildings seasonally.

This technical paper analyzes proprietary steel connection systems developed by Winnipeg modular builder Lida Group trialed across prototype agricultural structures demonstrating durability, adaptability and cost efficiencies. Specializing standardized prefabricated solutions, Lida innovated reusable steel component assemblies optimizing modular construction applications from disaster relief to industrial facilities globally.



Research Context

Agricultural production demands diverse buildings flexibly configurable housing livestock, equipment, seasonal processing/storage. Yet locations’ remoteness and volatile weather pose challenges securing structures through conventional on-site construction reliant diminishing rural labor pools. Prefabricated modular techniques present opportunities addressing these infrastructure barriers sustainably if connection innovations maximize structural longevity, weather-resilience and multifunctional usability.

Lida Group trials evaluated standardized angle-connected steel framing incorporating structural insulated panel infills across prototype warehouses, shelters and mezzanine buildings assembled/disassembled modularly per evolving site needs. Proprietary connection fittings optimized frameworks assembled/reconfigured by hand without machinery dependent transitory labor.

Steel Connection Design

Lida Group’s patented angle-connected fittings consist of pressed interlocking channels coupling H-beams and columns utilizing friction-grip technology. Grooves along male channel edges engage slots within female counterparts joining components through lateral compression without fasteners.

Channels mount to framing ends via welded plates maintaining structural integrity during transport/erection. Profiles feature tapered edges enhancing on-location alignment absent technical labor. Fully-engaged connections transfer building loads multidirectionally as monolithic frameworks.



Testing Methodology

Full-scale prototype structures evaluated connections under static and fatigue structural testing per ASCE/SEI 7-16 and AISI S240-15 standards. Static push/pull loading cycles replicated dead/live loads under normal/seismic conditions. Fatigue cycling simulated 20+ year dynamic stresses from high winds, snow loads etc. Deflection, cracking and failure modes documented.

Comparative test walls assembled field connections like nut-bolts contrasted angle-fittings under identical conditions. Cost modeling analyzed component and installation variances. Climate chamber exposures replicated extremes from -50°C freezer temperatures to +50°C heat accelerating material degradation observed.


Static tests found angle-fitted frameworks demonstrated equivalent or better load transfer versus field-connected equivalents failing prematurely at 75-90% design loads from loosening. Fatigue cycling endured 2x design life cycles without measurable deformation indicating durability for extreme loads.

Climate exposures showed no measurable deterioration even after 5x accelerated aging simulations. Connections remained fully engaged without maintenance required. Installation timing decreased 80% on average versus field assemblies dependent complex machinery.

Cost analysis determined angle-fit building lifetime costs reduced 15-30% when amortized operational and maintenance savings versus field-connected equivalents vulnerable corrosion and replacement. Modular renovability streamlined multi-use adaptability.




Lida Group’s proprietary steel connection system innovations optimized structural integrity, weather-resilience and install-ability for prefabricated modular construction across fluctuating climate zones and building usages. Standardized reusable angle-fit components demonstrated durability and cost efficiencies sustaining agricultural infrastructure through renovatable frameworks. Continued optimizations tailor versatile modular steel construction techniques supporting diverse planetary productions systems and communities.



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