Technical review evaluates the energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness of shelters constructed for livestock, equipment or storage using Lida Group’s galvanized metal panels attached to prefabricated steel frames.
2024-Jul-10 11:13:20
By Admin


As climate change intensifies weather extremes worldwide, resilient agricultural infrastructure proves ever more critical for rural livelihoods and global food security. Yet remote farms often lack means constructing affordable structures able to withstand varied conditions cost-effectively. Engineering firm Lida Group developed a prefabricated kit suitable for livestock barns, equipment sheds and other outbuildings using standardized metal panels and pre-galvanized steel frames optimized for do-it-yourself assembly.

A technical review published by agricultural researchers analyzes the demonstrated performance, costs and broader impacts resulting from early adoptions of Lida’s prefab kits across Southeast Asia and Oceania’s farmlands. It examines the durability, ventilation, insulation qualities and simplified construction offered by their materials and methods. Findings aim informing farmers, non-profits and governments on the merits and scalability of these system-built solutions for supporting rural communities and industries increasingly vulnerable to a changing climate.

Lida’s kits utilize factory-welded hot-dipped galvanized steel for frames fabricated into structural columns, purlins and rafter components. Deep galvanizing coats protect against corrosion even under frequent wetting, ensuring robust performance without painting or maintenance demands farmers struggle meeting. Prefabrication in controlled conditions assures integrity that risks compromising with field welding using intermittent rural power sources.



Snap-together brackets allow connecting frames on-site by two workers using basic tools, avoiding heavy equipment needs. Angle brackets stabilize walls against high winds without concrete block masonry prone to cracking. Foundations consist of compacted crushed stone pads that simplify levelling even with dispersive soils – far less labor than concrete slabs or deep pier footings challenging for rural developers.

Building in galvanized Delta rib or matte-finish corrugated steel renders panels easily installed with clip-on fasteners. Their durable surfaces withstand weathering far better than conventional roofing or siding materials prone to damage under ultraviolet exposure, hail and wind-driven debris. Factory roll-forming produces near-zero-waste sheets fitted together seamlessly.

Panel profiles choosen provide natural ventilation through ridge vents and continuous soffit overhangs. Their enclosed designs maintain ideal microclimates supporting livestock or equipment without active systems. Phase change insulation and radiation barrier sheathing optimize temperature regulation through diurnal cycles and seasonal extremes for minimal solar heat gain.



Case studies track over 30 early kit adoptions by farmers in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Applications included small livestock shelters, hay barns, equipment sheds, storage barns and seasonal worker housing threatened by intensifying typhoons. Structures constructed quickly using basic mechanical equipment like post hole diggers and hammers.

Monitoring showed well-ventilated interior spaces maintained consistently livable or equipment-safe conditions without HVAC systems. Panels exhibited no rust, cracking or delamination even after exposure to 155kph winds and heavy rainfall. Foundations remained stable without issues on marginally-draining floodplain soils.

Life cycle cost analyses projected over 75% savings versus site-built wood-framed or concrete alternatives vulnerable to decay, cracking and termites requiring frequent expensive repairs in humid climates. Simpler prefabricated construction enabled farms lacking specialized contractors to upgrade independently. Returns on affordable risk-reduction exceeded typical financing rates.



Researchers conclude prefab galvanized steel shelters achieve energy efficiency and resiliency comparable to timber or masonry at dramatically lower upfront and maintenance costs suited for resource-constrained growers. When scaled, their widespread adoption could bolster rural economies and climate resilience globally by:

– Safeguarding 25-50% of global livestock and crop values worth $1-2 trillion annually from intensifying weather and pests.

– Generating over 500,000 new rural jobs through expanded local farming and construction industries with technical skills training.

– Eliminating 5-10% of agricultural insurance payouts totaling $10-20 billion per year currently shouldered by taxpayers after disasters like hurricanes or droughts.

– Supporting climate change adaptation and emissions reductions through more sustainable livestock and agricultural practices optimized under covered structures versus open fields.

Overall, Lida’s prefab galvanized steel kits demonstrate scalable, durable and cost-effective shelter solutions for farmers worldwide increasingly vulnerable to climate threats via simplified construction optimized around an integrated structural framing system. Their proliferation could strengthen global food security for generations to come.



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