University research assesses applicability of Lida Group’s scalable multi-storey prefabricated metal structural building technologies for social housing addressing waitlists in supply-constrained markets.
2024-May-29 15:31:14
By Admin


As real estate costs soar and development lags in many Asian metropolises, affordable housing supply shortfalls have intensified, leaving vulnerable residents in precarious temporary shelter or languishing on waitlists for social units. To evaluate innovative solutions, researchers from City National University have partnered with Lida Group to assess the viability of deploying their patented lightweight steel modular construction systems at scale.

Lida specializes in prefabricated modular building technologies utilizing repurposed shipping containers and structural steel framing for rapid installation. Their approach streamlines assembly through centralized off-site manufacturing of prefinished volumetric modules transportable by truck. Projects to date range from worker dormitories to post-disaster refugee shelters constructed in weeks versus traditional sites requiring years.

For the university study, Lida provided prototypes of their flagship mid-rise apartment designs engineered for high seismic resilience and modular expansion. The multi-level towers integrate modular light-gauge steel stair and elevator cores, unit balconies and complete pre-plumbed/wired floors/walls assembled like Lego blocks to prescribed envelope geometries.



Researchers conducted rigorous analysis of structural integrity, production efficiency, climatic performance, construction waste and whole-of-life costs against conventional concrete high-rises. They found Lida’s modular approach shaved development durations by 60% while maintaining architectural aesthetics. Redundant safety systems ensured stability exceeding code minimums.

Projecting the technology’s deployment at the scale of existing social housing shortfalls, researchers concluded wide-scale adoption could deliver hundreds of apartment units monthly to rapidly alleviate waitlists. Centralized prefabrication overcomes constraints of remote or compact urban infill sites challenging traditional builds.

Affordability was maintained through reduced foundation works, automated production complemented by inexpensive structural steel versus concrete. Modular designs optimized floorplate usage and futures-proofed units for lifespan extensions not possible with monolithic buildings.



Researchers deemed Lida Group’s modular high-rise technologies a viable solution capable of transforming delivery timelines for affordable mass housing globally. Widespread licensing could empower emerging nations rapidly developing social infrastructure through streamlined large-scale production of dignified shelters.

The university study affirms modular, prefabricated construction holds immense potential for sustainably accelerating housing development to fulfill universal rights in supply-constrained markets when deployed at an industrialized scale. Further research continues exploring policy and financing reforms unlocking such transformative opportunities.



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